How Desperate Is Obama?
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Desperate enough to dump Biden?
For Hillary...
For Hillary...
Step back a minute: What does the president get from keeping Punxsutawney Putz on the ticket? Zippy the chimp. But if he bails on Mr. Biden, picks a woman — bam, base enthusiasm goes through the roof, women come out of the woodwork to vote (for Mrs. Clinton, not for Mr. Obama), and it’s 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for another four years. (Plus, Joe becomes Secretary of State, because, really now, he wouldn’t know what to do if he wasn’t living off the government teat, would he?)
Back to the president’s desperation. As The Washington Times laid out last week, Mr. Obama’s re-election is no lock. “Many models show President Obama with a likely base of 252 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win,” the paper said. Nice lead. He’s got a hold of the West Coast, the Northeast minus New Hampshire, plus most likely Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Hawaii (although some of those are still considered in play).I can certainly see Obama doing whatever it takes...Desperate people do desperate things, Obama is getting desperate.
Seven incumbents have replaced original running mates over the years: Five won re-election. Why’d they do it? Desperation.
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton
Another Ann Romney Basher
Sunday, May 20, 2012
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Via NewsBusters.
The confusing part to me is that she is a former top Obama economist. I was not aware the Obama administration had any working economists.
The confusing part to me is that she is a former top Obama economist. I was not aware the Obama administration had any working economists.
Ann Romney,
Barack Obama
Obama's Electoral Lock About To Be Picked?
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A hopeful sign.
All eyes shifting to Pennsylvania? Get your popcorn.
Many models show President Obama with a likely base of 252 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win. This includes the West coast, all the states northeast of Maryland except for New Hampshire, and seven other states in the Great Lakes region (Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota) the west (Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada) plus Hawaii. The Republican base in the South and West is around 191. This leaves 95 tossup electoral votes of which Mr. Obama needs only 18.Tough numbers to overcome indeed, still doable with the economy flat lining under Obama's failed recovery.
However, those 18 will be hard to get. Either Ohio or Florida alone would push Mr. Obama over the top, but neither state is likely to go Democratic given current trends. North Carolina, worth 15 votes, was initially supposed to play a key role in the Obama strategy. If the Tar Heel State could be kept in the Democratic column, it was thought that victory would be practically impossible for the Republicans. The Democratic National Convention was set in Charlotte for this reason.The ship may spring a leak and start sinking in North Carolina. North Carolina looks bad for Barry.
All eyes shifting to Pennsylvania? Get your popcorn.
Barack Obama,
Mitt Romney
More Proof Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder
Saturday, May 19, 2012
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Liberals lie, it is what they do. In this case, Randi Rhodes (lib idiot bi*ch) just makes something up!
Idiot Bitch,
Randi Rhodes
Thursday Nite Tart
Thursday, May 17, 2012
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Alina Vacariu,
Rule 5,
Thursday Nite Tart
Jay (carnival barker) Carney Goes Off The Rails
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Not a single Democrat in the entire Government(both houses) voted for Obama's budget, but its a gimmick?
Jay Carney
Midweek Rule 5 Break
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
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Break time with Alexandra Kamp...
The other great Rule 5 bloggers sharing their feasts are...
Proof Positive and Sex In Advertising
Luisana Lopilato at American Power
The Eye Of Polyphemus has Elizabeth Hurley and Zooey Deschanel
Woodsterman has Kneeling High Jump?
Gisele Bundchen is at The Last Tradition
Miss Peru visits The Reaganite Republican
The Classic Liberal does Rule 5 Sunday
Six Days Of Cheesecake from The Camp Of The Saints
The Pirates Cove has If All You See
The Daley Gator has his Daley Babe
Burkalesque Babe from Jake Finnegan
Puss and Boobs from Guns and Bikinis
In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World has The Friday Pinup
Pitsnipes Gripes does Redheads
Rule 5 Tuesday from The Other McCain
The other great Rule 5 bloggers sharing their feasts are...
Proof Positive and Sex In Advertising
Luisana Lopilato at American Power
The Eye Of Polyphemus has Elizabeth Hurley and Zooey Deschanel
Woodsterman has Kneeling High Jump?
Gisele Bundchen is at The Last Tradition
Miss Peru visits The Reaganite Republican
The Classic Liberal does Rule 5 Sunday
Six Days Of Cheesecake from The Camp Of The Saints
The Pirates Cove has If All You See
The Daley Gator has his Daley Babe
Burkalesque Babe from Jake Finnegan
Puss and Boobs from Guns and Bikinis
In a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World has The Friday Pinup
Pitsnipes Gripes does Redheads
Rule 5 Tuesday from The Other McCain
Alexandra Kamp,
Midweek Break,
Rule 5
Obama Is Underwater In North Carolina
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I hope he keeps sinking.
Mitt Romney has moved out to an eight-point lead over President Obama in North Carolina after the two men were virtually tied a month ago.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the Tar Heel State shows the putative Republican nominee earning 51% of the vote to Obama’s 43%. Two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. . .Only 56 more states to go!
Barack Obama,
Mitt Romney
About That (safest its ever been) Mexican Border
Monday, May 14, 2012
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Janet Napolitano's version of safe differs from mine.
peace loving immigrants violent drug smuggling thugs from south of the border to begin their trek north...
Napolitano and Holder both need replaced, both have trouble with the truth.
Forty-nine decapitated and mutilated bodies were found Sunday dumped on a highway connecting the northern Mexican metropolis of Monterrey to the U.S. border in what appears to be the latest blow in an escalating war of intimidation among drug gangs.If Obama is re-elected we can expect these
Napolitano and Holder both need replaced, both have trouble with the truth.
Eric Holder,
Janet Napolitano,
Mexican Border
Client #9 Talks About The Sanctity Of Marriage
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Posted by
Bill Clinton was busy?
ABC should be embarrassed for thinking they are even a news outlet anymore.
Is Eliot Spitzer - a man who had to resign as New York's governor due to a sex scandal involving hookers - someone that should be invited on a serious political talk show to discuss the sanctity of marriage?
As the answer is certainly "No," consider the delicious irony of Spitzer appearing on ABC's This Week Sunday avowing as it pertains to same-sex marriage, "The president is saying, as I said as governor, others have said around the nation, two people should be able to enter a civil relationship of love that goes on forever"
ABC should be embarrassed for thinking they are even a news outlet anymore.
Bill Clinton,
Elliot Spitzer
Hope And Chang?
Posted by
And other great funny pictures of the followers of Chicago Jesus...
I could forgive the spelling of the child, but the adult proof reader?
I could forgive the spelling of the child, but the adult proof reader?
Barack Obama